
当时的巴黎,经过王位争夺的一番动荡后,又恢复了花都昔日的浮华气象,极大地推动了巴黎珠宝业的繁荣。卡地亚幸运地得到了拿破仑三世年轻的堂妹Mathilde的推荐,业务不断增长。1902年,卡地亚的店铺已经从巴黎开到了伦敦和纽约,纽约逐渐成为卡地亚王国的总部。父子相传仅两代,卡地亚已成“首饰之王”。今天无论是高级珠宝、还是当代珠宝系列,例如Le Baiser du Dragon(龙之吻系列),卡地亚精品都本着出色的制作工艺、独特风格和专业技术,来传达出品牌的价值。

The art tradition is called a jewellery master with a long history. Brand works are renowned for their bold creativity and distinct style. They transform the unremitting pursuit of aesthetics into the motive force of technological innovation, sublimate exquisite craftsmanship and achieve extraordinary art. Cartier's high-level watch salon in SIHH Geneva in 2016 was a "great momentum". According to official data, it brought more than 100 timepieces to the exhibition, fully demonstrating Cartier's rich product line and excellent watch-making skills. From the new products released this time, Cartier will focus on the mysterious series, hollow out design and cheetah aesthetics. The following editors will summarize the new watches Cartier psented during the high-level watch exhibition to feel its unique charm. Cartier Enamel Bead Craft Cheetah Decorative Watch This watch is shaped by the master of enamel craftsmanship who draws inspiration from metal bead craftsmanship. It fully demonstrates Cartier's superb skill of combining carving, polishing, enamel, jewelry, gemstone inlaying and watch craftsmanship. The dial is made of metal beads, which is very complicated. The master of watchmaking first cuts enamel into small pieces or grinds it into powder, then stretches it into fine wires, and then cuts it into small segments. After being heated by welding torch, the fine wires will melt into beads, and the size of beads depends on the diameter of the enamel filaments. Secondly, according to the color and shape of the work pattern, the craft master

配以一对古董沙发、沙龙座椅、办公桌、壁炉,斜面镜子和铅白色木嵌板。二层的椭圆形房间被命名为“格蕾丝王妃沙龙”。这里曾经是舞会大厅,如今成为钻石作品的专属空间。1955年,摩纳哥雷尼埃亲王(Prince Rainier of Monaco)曾赠予格蕾丝·凯利(Grace Kelly)一枚卡地亚订婚钻戒。德彭解释道:“这里的装饰和细节十分华丽而浪漫,比如我们找到的附于原建筑的精美墙雕。而当光线透过塔夫绸窗帘撒进白色房间,衬上璀璨的水晶吊灯,一切都显得那么奢华动人。”沙龙的白色墙壁上装饰了摩纳哥白色顶饰,以衬托木嵌板细节。卡地亚将二层的“伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)沙龙”作为高级珠宝作品专属空间。伊丽莎白·泰勒沙龙象征诸多名流雅士与卡地亚的深厚情缘,美轮美奂的高级珠宝陈列于此。在1957年8月造访圣-让卡普费拉其(Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat)期间,伊丽莎白·泰勒展示丈夫迈克·托德(Mike Todd)赠予的卡地亚红宝石钻石珠宝作品。为了褒扬卡地亚169年来辉煌的制表历史,精品店三楼整层为男士及女士时计作品空间。女士时计空间的墙面、立柱、毯饰和镜子均采A natural pearl necklace purchased from a private residence. This one, mercy? The prandtl portrait was created by Alphonse Jongers, and its

能钟表的悠久传统。精心打造的苍穹于繁星密布的夜晚与阳光普照的日间变幻,仿佛营造了一个珠宝幻境,让时间的流动变得完整且触手可及。一百多年来,卡地亚一直擅长将神秘奇幻的风格融入钟表制作。在卡地亚的历史上,神秘钟与神秘机芯占据了举足轻重的篇章。神秘美学神秘钟之所以“神秘”,皆因其指针仿似悬浮于透明钟体之上,与机芯没有丝毫连接。正如1925年时尚《La Gazette du Bon Ton》所称, 它是一个“钟表史上的奇迹”,是路易· 卡地亚(Louis Cartier)与杰出制表大师莫里斯· 库埃(Maurice Coüet ,1885-1963)精诚合作的结晶。其时莫里斯·库埃年仅25岁,却已因其超凡技艺而备受卡地亚赏识,并于1911年成为卡地亚专属供货商。1912年,神秘钟诞生,并被命名为Modèle A。莫里斯·库埃的灵感来自让·欧仁·罗贝尔-乌丹(Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin,1805-1871)发明的时钟,这位伟大的法国魔术师也是现代魔术的开创者。Modèle A神秘钟曾衍生出多种款式,搭配不同材质的底座,精心装饰的表盘与框架以及各种形状的指针。1920年,采用“中央单轴”的神秘She is also an old style, very similar to Andy's personality, she is not very fashionable, single style, traditional in the bone, but very tasteful. The annual Asian haute horological extravaganza "clocks and wonders" exhibition will be held in Hong Kong on September 30, 2015 solstice on October 3. As the first protagonist of Cartier animals since 1914, when cheetah meets Cartier magnificently, it continues the mysterious aesthetic tradition of more than 100 years, and immediately makes a new Panthere Mysterieuse cheetah decoration mystery hour watch. As the real three-dimensional jewelry sculpture superb, the cheetah body decorated with diamonds and black paint spots, gracefully perched on the edge of the dial. Leopard head, leopard PAWS, emerald leopard eyes, every detail is wonderful, lifelike. In contrast, the transparent dial appears to be a dangling pointer. The 9981 MC movement on the watch is cleverly hidden. This new watch, which USES the advanced jewelry technology, is exquisite and beautiful, psenting a balance between the transparent beauty and Cartier's iconic complex functions. In 1912, the first mysterious bell was born and was named "Modele A". As the fashion La Gazette du Bon Ton praises, it is a "" miracle in the history of clocks," "as if freeing time from gravity. The Panthere mystery hour cheetah decorative wrist watch is an ingenious combination of Cartier's two iconic designs: the mysterious movement and cheetah design, showing the unique style of Cartier. Cartier, the master of modeling and watch shows great strength, and carries two iconic advanced and complex functions -- mysterious movements and floating tourniquets -- for the new Cle DE Cartier series in 2015. In addition, the brand also provides mahogany black lacquer gift box with three advanced and complex functional watches, as well as three unique senior jewelry watches, highlighting the mature charm of perfect combination of advanced jewelry and advanced tabulation. card

什么表呢?卡地亚、梵克雅宝、伯爵、萧邦这样的珠宝腕表高奢品牌,还是积家、江诗丹顿、百达翡丽这样的传统制表品牌呢?或许都可以尝试。如果要说推荐的话,积家翻转腕表正合你意,一面传统和端庄,一面休闲而轻松,一款表解决了场合问题,省去很多麻烦。 2016年9月,坐落于纽约第五大道的卡地亚精品店经历两年半的修缮,将在万众瞩目中重启她的优雅之门,这也将标志卡地亚历史上大规模的修缮革新计划圆满结一切缘起于一条项链将在万众瞩目中重启她的优雅之门,这也将标志卡地亚历史上大规模的修缮革新计划圆满结一个多世纪前,卡地亚以一条美轮美奂的项链作为交换,得到了一座位于第五大道的恢弘建筑,故事由此开始。1912年,卡地亚创始人之孙——皮埃尔·卡地亚(Pierre Cartier)在纽约城中各处寻找适合开设精品店的场所。五年间,他不断寻觅,希望找到能与卡地亚巴黎和平街旗舰店和伦敦新邦德街精品店相媲美的建筑。当他发现这栋坐落于曼哈顿中心的新文艺复兴风格大楼时,便知道自己终于找到了理想的地点。 1917年,皮埃尔?卡地亚以100美元和一条价值一百万美元的项链换得这栋私人宅邸。2016年,卡地亚再次制作了一条天然项链,以致敬这段。莫顿?普朗特的妻子梅茜?普朗特